Sunday, November 16, 2014

What is Writing Fires?

Q. What's with the title?
A. "To learn to read is to light a fire, every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." - Victor Hugo.

Q. How does that apply to this blog? Is this blog about reading?"
A. In a way. It's more about writing. In order for there to be anything to read, it must first be written.

Q. So what is this blog?
A. This blog is a source of advice for teen (or adult!) writers, ranging in topics from 'types of writing' to 'where do we get 'the old mentor'?' to 'what fantasy creatures are okay?'.

Q. Are you saying that your methods and ideas are the best way to write?
A. Not exactly. I'm only saying that these are some questions I wondered about, and these were the answers I came up with, and that these methods help me when I'm writing and might help other people.
Such as, one person may say : "Silence is better for concentration."
And another may say: "Music boosts creativity and productiveness."
For me, the second option works best, for my brother the first works better.
So it all really depends on what works for you.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, just put them in the comments.
And thank you for looking at this blog, I hope it really helps you and your writing!

BTW, all videos and pictures are used solely for decoration, inspiration, entertainment or explanation of a subject. I don't own any of them, and I'm not trying to.

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